100 research outputs found

    Comparative Energy Consumption Analysis of the Hybrid Diesel Train and the Hybrid Fuel Cell Train

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    This paper compares train energy consumption of hybrid diesel-electric multiple unit (HDEMU) to hydrogen fuel-cell multiple unit (HFCMU). In the simulation, the parameters of the DMU HŽ7022 train were used for the train model created in Matlab/Simulink environment. Since the train is powered by three diesel engines in original design, it was hybridized by removing one engine and adding a battery and a supercapacitor. For comparison, a train model was made with fuel cells that have rated power of two existing diesel engines, and it was hybridized with a battery and a supercapacitor, as in the simulation with the hybridization of diesel engines. The results are presented by comparing energy consumption for both trains. In addition, voltages, electric current values and power loads of power sources are shown. As the sustainability of the system, the SOC (State of Charge) values of both the battery and the supercapacitor are presented

    Evaluation and comparison of performance of diferent training programs for children non-swimmers

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    Ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su vrjednovanje i usporedba uspješnosti triju programa poduke djece neplivača jednakih po sadržaju, a različitih po broju sati. Istraživanjem se utvrdila uspješnost testiranih programa poduke neplivača i ponudio optimalan broj sati poduke. Drugi cilj istraživanja bio je vrjednovati svaki pojedini sat poduke i tako odrediti točan broj sati potreban za usvajanje pojedinog elementa poduke neplivača. Uzorak ispitanika sastojao se od učenika i učenica trećih razreda osnovnih škola s područja grada Vinkovaca. Istraživanje je provedeno na vinkovačkom dvoranskom plivalištu „Lenije“. Prije početka istraživanja provedeno je pilot istraživanje kojim su utvrđeni dodatni kriteriji za potrebe istraživanja. Grad Vinkovci i gradske osnovne škole dale su suglasnost za provođenje istraživanja. Testiranje su provele stručne i educirane osobe sa završenim kineziološkim fakultetom. Provedeno istraživanje sastojalo se od triju programa. Prvi program poduke neplivača sastojao se od 12 sati, drugi program od 16 sati, dok je treći program poduke neplivača sastavljen od 20 sati. U svakom od programa učenici su dolazili dva puta tjedno. Na inicijalnom testiranju u svakom pojedinom programu, učenici su bili podijeljeni prema ljestvici procjene znanja plivanja (Grčić-Zubčević, 1996) u dvije skupine. Prvu skupinu činili su neplivači, odnosno učenici koji bi bili ocijenjeni ocjenama od 1-5, dok su drugu skupinu činili neplivači - početnici, odnosno učenici ocijenjeni s ocjenom 5-11. Osim inicijalne provjere učenici su testirani nakon svakog sata poduke neplivača na temelju novih kriterija koji su sastavljeni temeljem pilot projekta za potrebe istraživanja. Obrada podataka je izvršena statističkim paketom STATISTICA 12 (StatSoft, Inc., Tulsa, SAD). Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su uspješnost triju testiranih programa i frekvenciju usvajanja elemenata poduke neplivača u svakom od navedenih programa. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da program poduke neplivača u trajanju od 12 sati ima uspješnost od 28,95 %. Program poduke neplivača u trajanju od 16 sati ima uspješnost od 34,29 %, dok program poduke u trajanju od 20 sati ima uspješnost 76,00 %. Studijom se utvrdilo koliko je potrebno sati da se usvoji pojedini element poduke neplivača.The objectives of this study are evaluation and performance comparison of three different training programs for children non-swimmers of same content but various duration. The research identified success rate of the tested non-swimming training programs and offered the optimal number of training hours. Another aim of the research was to evaluate each individual lesson and thus determine the exact number of hours required to adopt a single element of the training program. The examinees sample consisted of female and male third grade pupils from the Vinkovci city area. The research was conducted at Vinkovci’s indoor pool facility “Lenije”. Prior to the start of the research, a pilot study was carried out, setting out additional criteria for research purposes. The City of Vinkovci and the city's primary schools gave consent to conduct the research. The tests were conducted by skilled and educated professionals with a degree in kinesiology. The research consisted of three training programs. The first non-swimmers training program consisted of 12 hours, the second program of 16 hours, and the third program of 20 hours. In each program pupils took lessons twice a week. During an initial testing in each individual program, the pupils were divided according to the swimming assessment scale (Grčić-Zubčević, 1996). The first group consisted of non-swimmer pupils who were grated with gradesfrom 1 to 5, while the second group consisted of non-swimmers with grades from 5 to 11. In addition to the initial testing, pupils were tested after each lesson based on new criteria which were compiled based on the pilot project for research purposes. The data processing was performed by the statistic package STATISTICA 12 (StatSoft, Inc., Tulsa, USA). The research results showed achievements of the three tested programs and frequency of adopting elements of non-swimmers in each program. The research found that the 12-hour non-swimmers training program has a successrate of 28.95 %. The 16-hour non-swimmers training program has a success rate of 34.29 %, while the 20-hour training program has 76.00 % success rate. The study determined time needed to adopt each element of non-swimmers training program

    Evaluation and comparison of performance of diferent training programs for children non-swimmers

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    Ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su vrjednovanje i usporedba uspješnosti triju programa poduke djece neplivača jednakih po sadržaju, a različitih po broju sati. Istraživanjem se utvrdila uspješnost testiranih programa poduke neplivača i ponudio optimalan broj sati poduke. Drugi cilj istraživanja bio je vrjednovati svaki pojedini sat poduke i tako odrediti točan broj sati potreban za usvajanje pojedinog elementa poduke neplivača. Uzorak ispitanika sastojao se od učenika i učenica trećih razreda osnovnih škola s područja grada Vinkovaca. Istraživanje je provedeno na vinkovačkom dvoranskom plivalištu „Lenije“. Prije početka istraživanja provedeno je pilot istraživanje kojim su utvrđeni dodatni kriteriji za potrebe istraživanja. Grad Vinkovci i gradske osnovne škole dale su suglasnost za provođenje istraživanja. Testiranje su provele stručne i educirane osobe sa završenim kineziološkim fakultetom. Provedeno istraživanje sastojalo se od triju programa. Prvi program poduke neplivača sastojao se od 12 sati, drugi program od 16 sati, dok je treći program poduke neplivača sastavljen od 20 sati. U svakom od programa učenici su dolazili dva puta tjedno. Na inicijalnom testiranju u svakom pojedinom programu, učenici su bili podijeljeni prema ljestvici procjene znanja plivanja (Grčić-Zubčević, 1996) u dvije skupine. Prvu skupinu činili su neplivači, odnosno učenici koji bi bili ocijenjeni ocjenama od 1-5, dok su drugu skupinu činili neplivači - početnici, odnosno učenici ocijenjeni s ocjenom 5-11. Osim inicijalne provjere učenici su testirani nakon svakog sata poduke neplivača na temelju novih kriterija koji su sastavljeni temeljem pilot projekta za potrebe istraživanja. Obrada podataka je izvršena statističkim paketom STATISTICA 12 (StatSoft, Inc., Tulsa, SAD). Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su uspješnost triju testiranih programa i frekvenciju usvajanja elemenata poduke neplivača u svakom od navedenih programa. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da program poduke neplivača u trajanju od 12 sati ima uspješnost od 28,95 %. Program poduke neplivača u trajanju od 16 sati ima uspješnost od 34,29 %, dok program poduke u trajanju od 20 sati ima uspješnost 76,00 %. Studijom se utvrdilo koliko je potrebno sati da se usvoji pojedini element poduke neplivača.The objectives of this study are evaluation and performance comparison of three different training programs for children non-swimmers of same content but various duration. The research identified success rate of the tested non-swimming training programs and offered the optimal number of training hours. Another aim of the research was to evaluate each individual lesson and thus determine the exact number of hours required to adopt a single element of the training program. The examinees sample consisted of female and male third grade pupils from the Vinkovci city area. The research was conducted at Vinkovci’s indoor pool facility “Lenije”. Prior to the start of the research, a pilot study was carried out, setting out additional criteria for research purposes. The City of Vinkovci and the city's primary schools gave consent to conduct the research. The tests were conducted by skilled and educated professionals with a degree in kinesiology. The research consisted of three training programs. The first non-swimmers training program consisted of 12 hours, the second program of 16 hours, and the third program of 20 hours. In each program pupils took lessons twice a week. During an initial testing in each individual program, the pupils were divided according to the swimming assessment scale (Grčić-Zubčević, 1996). The first group consisted of non-swimmer pupils who were grated with gradesfrom 1 to 5, while the second group consisted of non-swimmers with grades from 5 to 11. In addition to the initial testing, pupils were tested after each lesson based on new criteria which were compiled based on the pilot project for research purposes. The data processing was performed by the statistic package STATISTICA 12 (StatSoft, Inc., Tulsa, USA). The research results showed achievements of the three tested programs and frequency of adopting elements of non-swimmers in each program. The research found that the 12-hour non-swimmers training program has a successrate of 28.95 %. The 16-hour non-swimmers training program has a success rate of 34.29 %, while the 20-hour training program has 76.00 % success rate. The study determined time needed to adopt each element of non-swimmers training program

    Molekulsko modeliranje odnosa strukturnih svojstava i aktivnosti molekula s pomoću programskog jezika Python (prvi dio)

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    Danas se količina podataka znatno povećava, a podatcima se pridaje sve veća vrijednost, kao i poznavanju njihove manipulacije i crpljenja vrijednih informacija. Poznat primjer crpljenja informacija je pretraživanje poznatih kemijskih spojeva i dizajniranje novih spojeva na osnovi znanja iz modela u svrhu istraživanja potencijalnih lijekova. Stoga je studentu kemije važno biti dobro pripremljen za trenutačno digitalno doba, gdje nije više dovoljno biti samo spretan u laboratoriju, nego je potrebno znati modelirati i raditi s podatcima. Ovaj rad pokriva osnove molekulskog modeliranja i QSAR-a te osnove rukovanja podatcima pomoću besplatnog programskog jezika Python i njegove biblioteke za molekulsko modeliranje RDKit. Ostale Pythonove biblioteke koje će se primjenjivati u radu su Pandas, za rukovanje i obradu svih vrsta podataka; statsmodels, Numpy, Scipy i SKLearn za matematičke i statističke operacije te linearnu algebru i Matplotlib i Seaborn za ispisivanje grafova. Programski jezik Python je sa svojim navedenim bibliotekama integriran u program Anaconda. Anaconda korisniku omogućuje jednostavnu primjenu i upravljanje bibliotekama te upotrebu sučelja Jupyter Notebook za programiranje i ispis grafičkih prikaza i rezultata analiza. U ovom, prvom dijelu rada analizirat će se problem predviđanja topljivosti u vodi na skupu organskih kemijskih spojeva pomoću univarijatne linearne regresije. Cilj rada je približiti kemičarima programiranje u jeziku Python, primjenu njegovih biblioteka i praktično rješavanje problema u molekulskom modeliranju

    The process nonlinearity influence on the control performance of linear control system

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    U radu je prikazan utjecaj promjene radne točke nelinearnog procesa na kakvoću regulacije uz linearni regulator. U radu su predstavljanja 4 sustava upravljanja s nelinearnim procesom. Provedena je simulacijska analiza tih sustava, te su prikazani rezultati ponašanja tih sustava kroz odzive sustava na step pobudu. Opisan je postupak projektiranja linearnog regulatora, kojima se u sva četiri primjera upravljaju nelinearnim procesom. U svim primjerima uočava se pogoršanje kakvoće regulacije pri odmaku od radne točke za koju je regulator projektiran.The paper presents the influence of the change of the nonlinear working point to the regulation quality with the linear regulator. The paper presents introduced four nonlinear process control systems. Simulation analysis of those systems was performed and the results of the behaviour of those systems were presented as system responses to the step excitation. Linear regulator design procedure was described, which in all four examples was control by a nonlinear process. In all examples degradation of the regulation quality is notice when we move from the working point for which the regulator is designed

    Evaluation and comparison of performance of diferent training programs for children non-swimmers

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    Ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su vrjednovanje i usporedba uspješnosti triju programa poduke djece neplivača jednakih po sadržaju, a različitih po broju sati. Istraživanjem se utvrdila uspješnost testiranih programa poduke neplivača i ponudio optimalan broj sati poduke. Drugi cilj istraživanja bio je vrjednovati svaki pojedini sat poduke i tako odrediti točan broj sati potreban za usvajanje pojedinog elementa poduke neplivača. Uzorak ispitanika sastojao se od učenika i učenica trećih razreda osnovnih škola s područja grada Vinkovaca. Istraživanje je provedeno na vinkovačkom dvoranskom plivalištu „Lenije“. Prije početka istraživanja provedeno je pilot istraživanje kojim su utvrđeni dodatni kriteriji za potrebe istraživanja. Grad Vinkovci i gradske osnovne škole dale su suglasnost za provođenje istraživanja. Testiranje su provele stručne i educirane osobe sa završenim kineziološkim fakultetom. Provedeno istraživanje sastojalo se od triju programa. Prvi program poduke neplivača sastojao se od 12 sati, drugi program od 16 sati, dok je treći program poduke neplivača sastavljen od 20 sati. U svakom od programa učenici su dolazili dva puta tjedno. Na inicijalnom testiranju u svakom pojedinom programu, učenici su bili podijeljeni prema ljestvici procjene znanja plivanja (Grčić-Zubčević, 1996) u dvije skupine. Prvu skupinu činili su neplivači, odnosno učenici koji bi bili ocijenjeni ocjenama od 1-5, dok su drugu skupinu činili neplivači - početnici, odnosno učenici ocijenjeni s ocjenom 5-11. Osim inicijalne provjere učenici su testirani nakon svakog sata poduke neplivača na temelju novih kriterija koji su sastavljeni temeljem pilot projekta za potrebe istraživanja. Obrada podataka je izvršena statističkim paketom STATISTICA 12 (StatSoft, Inc., Tulsa, SAD). Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su uspješnost triju testiranih programa i frekvenciju usvajanja elemenata poduke neplivača u svakom od navedenih programa. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da program poduke neplivača u trajanju od 12 sati ima uspješnost od 28,95 %. Program poduke neplivača u trajanju od 16 sati ima uspješnost od 34,29 %, dok program poduke u trajanju od 20 sati ima uspješnost 76,00 %. Studijom se utvrdilo koliko je potrebno sati da se usvoji pojedini element poduke neplivača.The objectives of this study are evaluation and performance comparison of three different training programs for children non-swimmers of same content but various duration. The research identified success rate of the tested non-swimming training programs and offered the optimal number of training hours. Another aim of the research was to evaluate each individual lesson and thus determine the exact number of hours required to adopt a single element of the training program. The examinees sample consisted of female and male third grade pupils from the Vinkovci city area. The research was conducted at Vinkovci’s indoor pool facility “Lenije”. Prior to the start of the research, a pilot study was carried out, setting out additional criteria for research purposes. The City of Vinkovci and the city's primary schools gave consent to conduct the research. The tests were conducted by skilled and educated professionals with a degree in kinesiology. The research consisted of three training programs. The first non-swimmers training program consisted of 12 hours, the second program of 16 hours, and the third program of 20 hours. In each program pupils took lessons twice a week. During an initial testing in each individual program, the pupils were divided according to the swimming assessment scale (Grčić-Zubčević, 1996). The first group consisted of non-swimmer pupils who were grated with gradesfrom 1 to 5, while the second group consisted of non-swimmers with grades from 5 to 11. In addition to the initial testing, pupils were tested after each lesson based on new criteria which were compiled based on the pilot project for research purposes. The data processing was performed by the statistic package STATISTICA 12 (StatSoft, Inc., Tulsa, USA). The research results showed achievements of the three tested programs and frequency of adopting elements of non-swimmers in each program. The research found that the 12-hour non-swimmers training program has a successrate of 28.95 %. The 16-hour non-swimmers training program has a success rate of 34.29 %, while the 20-hour training program has 76.00 % success rate. The study determined time needed to adopt each element of non-swimmers training program

    Substitutions of transtition element cations in MOF-5

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    Metaloorganske mreže su materijali koji su građeni od anorganske(metal) i organske(ligand) jedinice i predstavljaju novu klasu poroznih materijala. Razlikuju se od drugih poroznih materijala zbog svoje velike površine i pora, male gustoće, fleksibilnosti i stabilnosti. U ovom radu sintetiziran je Zn4O(C8H4O4)C3H7NOZn_{4}O\left(C_{8}H_{4}O_{4}\right)\cdot C_{3}H_{7}NO , MOF-5, na dva načina, pri sobnoj temperaturi i u autoklavu. Sintetizirani MOF-5 se koristio za postupak kationske supstitucije prijelaznim elementima. Dobiveni spojevi su karakterizirani pomoću FT-IR spektroskopije, termogravimetrijske i rentgenske analize. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na realnu mogućnost supstitucije kationa u MOF-5. TG analiza ukazuje na visoku termičku stabilnost MOF-5 i na manji postotak dimetilformamida (DMF) u porama MOF-5, a nakon višestrukog natapanja s diklormetanom (DCM). Supstitucijom kationa u MOF-5 moguće je sintetizirati nove materijale s približno istom strukturom, ali drugačijim svojstvima u odnosu na polazni spoj.Metaloorganic frameworks are materials that are built from inorganic(metal) and organic(ligand) units and represent a new class of porous materials. They differ from other porous materials due to their large surface area and pores, low density, flexibility and stability. In this paper, Zn4O(C8H4O4)C3H7NOZn_{4}O\left(C_{8}H_{4}O_{4}\right)\cdot C_{3}H_{7}NO , MOF-5 is synthesized in two ways, at room temperature and in the autoclave. The synthesized MOF-5 was used for the process of cationic substitution with some transition elements. The prepared crystals were characterized by FT-IR spectroscopy, thermogravimetric and X-ray analysis. The obtained results indicate possibility of cation substitution in MOF-5. TG analysis indicates high thermal stability of MOF-5 and lower percentage of DMF in MOF-5 after multiple soaking with DCM. Using cation substitutions in MOF-5, it is therefore possible to synthesize new materials with approximately the same structure but with different properties in comparison to the starting compound

    Assessment of Stress Level of Forestry Experts with Academic Education

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    This paper provides the results of an applied research of forests engineers connected to their risk of mental stress occurrence in everyday work. This paper also has a component of a basic research, in which the adequacy and reliability of applied methodology in this kind of researches is examined. The mental stress induced risk is tested by usage of an e-mail survey which consists out of 23-part ERI (Effort-Reward Imbalance) questionnaire. For the assessment of mental stress exposure level following indicators have been used: 1) ERI – ratio of devoted effort and achieved reward, and 2) overcommitment. These indicators have been analyzed in comparison to the demographic parameters (gender, age) and the complexity of assigned jobs of the interviewees. The interview was applied on a randomly sampled forestry experts employed in public and private sector. The analysis of reliability of the three components of ERI questionnaire has showed satisfactory internal consistency. Descriptive statistics has been done regarding gender and the complexity of assigned jobs. The testing of the »devoted effort/achieved reward« variable (E/R index) has shown a statistically significant difference of the index value between male interviewees on managerial and standard expert positions. The value of E/R index was x1 at 18.97% of the sampled interviewees, which indicates a divergence between devoted effort and achieved reward, and also points to a possibility of mental stress occurrence risk. Multiple response tables have shown that female interviewees with less than 20 years of professional experience manifest stress related symptoms earlier than their male colleagues with similar professional experience do. Regression analysis has shown a significant correlation of E/R index to gender, internship and overcommitment. This research also assesses the viability of the applied method as an instrument of forestry experts\u27 mental stress level determination

    Assessment of Stress Level of Forestry Experts with Academic Education

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    This paper provides the results of an applied research of forests engineers connected to their risk of mental stress occurrence in everyday work. This paper also has a component of a basic research, in which the adequacy and reliability of applied methodology in this kind of researches is examined. The mental stress induced risk is tested by usage of an e-mail survey which consists out of 23-part ERI (Effort-Reward Imbalance) questionnaire. For the assessment of mental stress exposure level following indicators have been used: 1) ERI – ratio of devoted effort and achieved reward, and 2) overcommitment. These indicators have been analyzed in comparison to the demographic parameters (gender, age) and the complexity of assigned jobs of the interviewees. The interview was applied on a randomly sampled forestry experts employed in public and private sector. The analysis of reliability of the three components of ERI questionnaire has showed satisfactory internal consistency. Descriptive statistics has been done regarding gender and the complexity of assigned jobs. The testing of the »devoted effort/achieved reward« variable (E/R index) has shown a statistically significant difference of the index value between male interviewees on managerial and standard expert positions. The value of E/R index was x1 at 18.97% of the sampled interviewees, which indicates a divergence between devoted effort and achieved reward, and also points to a possibility of mental stress occurrence risk. Multiple response tables have shown that female interviewees with less than 20 years of professional experience manifest stress related symptoms earlier than their male colleagues with similar professional experience do. Regression analysis has shown a significant correlation of E/R index to gender, internship and overcommitment. This research also assesses the viability of the applied method as an instrument of forestry experts\u27 mental stress level determination